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Use Mayonnaise to Get Rid of Water Marks on Wood Furniture

Posted by Laurence Lok on

Use mayonnaise for water marks on wood furniture

I’m sure it’s not the first thing you contemplate when you think about cleaning products, but using mayonnaise to get rid of that water mark on your favorite coffee table is a great way to restore the piece to its original beauty.

How To

1. Grab two tablespoons of mayo and spread it evenly onto a paper towel.

2. Place it over the stain and press down gently so that the material hits the surface.

3. Let the towel sit in place for approximately 15 minutes and check underneath it to see if the stain is still there. If it’s not, then you’re done – if so, rub a bit more over the stain and repeat the process for another 15 minutes.

If the stain is very deep and still isn’t gone, mix in a bit of baking soda and try again – the baking soda has more powerful ingredients and will penetrate the wood just enough to lift the stain.

No, it’s not the most mainstream technique – but it works. For a quick, simple and cost-affordable alternative to expensive cleaning products, just head to your refrigerator.